Thursday, September 29, 2011

2nd year... ARE YOU READY??? (part II)

assalamualaikum... seperti yang dijanjikan... nih ialah part II kpd entry sebelum nih...


  • buku anatomy department dah djual (complete set... baru smpai); 
satu set= LE 175 (if not mistaken);
tajuk2 buku: head n neck (part 1 n 2), abdomen, nueroanatomy, pelvis and perineum, mcq; 
total= 6 books
  • buku anatomy sameh doss juga da djual (full set)
satu set= LE 85; 
tajuk2 buku: head n neck, abdomen, nueroanatomy, pelvis and perineum, special embryology; 
total= 5 books
*text 4 special embryology sambungan drpd general embryology thn lpas
buku2 laen dkatekan smpai dlm hari ahad/ isnin...

Quick review on what we'll gonna learn... insyaAllah {for biochemistry and histology}

Biochemistry (book I)
  1. enzymes
  2. bioenergetics
  3. citric acid cycle
  4. glycogen metabolism
  5. gluconeogenesis
  6. lipid metabolism
  7. insulin and diabetes melitus
Biochemistry (book II) **no data**

  1. digestive system
  2. endocrine system
  3. urinary system
  4. male genital system
  5. female genital system
  6. the eye
  7. the ear
  8. central nervous system (CNS)

important reminder!!
classes starts at 2nd of October  this coming sunday
be prepared 4 biochemistry and Histology insyaAllah...


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