Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Answer for Anat Essay Question (5th Edition)

1. Compare and contrast between biceps and triceps muscle in details

Biceps brachii
Short head: tip of coracoid process
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle
Long head: from infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral head: back of humerus along upper lip of spiral groove
Medial head:1-back of humerus below spiral groove
2-back of medial and lateral intermuscular septum

By tendon: in posterior rough part of radial tuberosity separated from anterior smooth part by a bursa
By bicipital aponeurosis: in deep fascia of upper medial side of forearm extends till posterior border of ulna
The muscle inserted by common tendon into:
1-posterior part of upper surface of olecranon process of ulna
2-fascia covering anconeus
3-a small slip from medial head inseted into back of capsule of elbow joint
4-a small bursa appears on top of olecranon process separating the tendon from back of elbow capsule
Nerve supply
Musculocutaneous neve (a branch to each head)
Radial nerve
-in axilla supplies long and medial head
In spiral groove supplies medial and lateral heads 
Powerful flexion of supinated forearm
Powerful supination of flexed forearm
The short head flex and adduct shoulder
The long head stabilize the head of humerus opposite glenoid cavity against upper pull of deltoid
Main extensor of elbow joint
Long head extends shoulder joint
Long head supports lower part of capsule of shoulder joint on raising arm

2. Surface anatomy of the heart

Put the following points on anterior chest wall
Point (a): on the lower border of the 2nd left costal cartilage 4 cm from middle line.
Point (b): on the upper border of the 3rd right costal cartilage 3 cm from the middle line.
Point (c): on the right 6th costal cartilage 3 cm from middle line.
Point (d): on the left 5th intercostal space 9 cm from middle line (apex of heart).

          (1)    The upper border is a straight line between points a and b. (
          (2)    The lower border is a straight line between points c and d.
          (3)    The right border is a line slightly curved laterally between the points b and c.
          (4)    The left border is a line slightly curved laterally between points d and a.
          (5)    Atrioventricular groove its anterior part can be represented by aline between two point
a.       Point on the 3rd left sternocostal junction.
b.      Point on the 6th right sternocostal junction.
          (6)    Interventricular groove represented by aline from the 3rd left sternocostal junction drawm parallel to         left border of heart till it meets inferior border.

3. Course, branches and injury of the common peroneal  nerve


It descends lateral to tibial nerve to enter popliteal fossa at its upper angle
It passes obliquely downwards and laterally in the popliteal fossa along medial border of biceps femoris
It crosses over the plantaris and lateral head of gastrocnemius
It leaves the popliteal fossa through its lateral angle.
It passes behind the head of fibula then winds forwards round its neck deep to peroneus longus 


1- No muscular branches
2- 2 cutaneous branches
a.       Sural communicating nerve arises near the head of fibula and runs downward on lateral head of gastrocnemius to join the sural nerve
b.      Lateral cutaneous nerve of calf arises from the common peroneal nerve as it leaves the popliteal fossa. It supplies the skin of upper lateral aspect of the leg

3- 3 articular branches
a.       Superior lateral genicular runs above the lateral femoral condyle to supply the knee joint
b.      Inferior lateral genicural runs below the lateral tibial condyle to supply the knee joint
c.       Recurrent genicular arises near the end of the common peroneal nerve and ascends with the anterior tibial recurrent artery to supply knee joint and the superior tibio fibular joint


Site and causes: wounds in the popliteal fossa or fracture of neck of fibula

1) Motor
a.       Paralysis of the muscle of the anterior compartment of the leg as they are supplied by anterior tibial branch of lateral popliteal
b.      Paralysis of the muscle of the lateral compartment of the leg as they are supplied by the musculocutaneous branch of lateral popliteal

2) Sensory
Loss of sensation from the anterolateral aspect of the leg and the dorsum of the foot except medial and lateral borders

 3) Deformity
Foot drop due to paralysis of the extensor of foot and inversion due to paralysis of the evertors of foot. This deformity is called Talipus eqiuno varus.



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